Pamela’s Blog
We are sung into existence
I believe we are sung into existence. I’ve felt that since I was a child; each newborn birthed in perfection, knowing everything, holding all the creation keys and codes within. A perfect seed transported from the stars.
Being Inside A Rainbow
One of the juicy morsels I mention when introducing my instruments prior to opening a sound circle is that there are gifts we receive on a cellular level from each sound adventure. We experience these gifts, embody them and then place them in our tool kit at the end of the sound journey.
I know I am an older lady, a wise Crone, who …
Aren't We All Alchemists?
What if I told you that you can transform the water in your physical body into an an elixir?
Dr. Masaru Emoto, a visionary Japanese scientist studied the impact on water’s molecular structure after receiving spoken language, projected thought forms, and intentional sounds. Exposure to these vibrations, either positive or negative, embodied different crystalline shapes and forms. Snowflake-like perfection when receiving …
Are You Ready to Sing Your Song?
When the pendulum swings and equilibrium falters, how is balance restored?
Me, I check within. I scan my physical body, my emotional body, my spiritual body, and my etheric body. Notice the places of resistance. A person, a place, an experience that no longer serves that I am ready to release with sound and breath. Perhaps some laughter or a lion’s roar. Just as a harp goes out of tune and it’s strings need tuning, so do I.
Aren't We All Wizards?
My last blog, “I Married A Wizard” got me thinking… Aren’t we all wizards?
“Each of us”, as Merlin might say, “has magic.”
If we can dream it, we can birth it. Just imagine.
I tune into a fellow sound healer friend playing by a lake and I listen. How is he…
I Married a Wizard
I am so blessed to have received so many gifts along this journey from nature, strangers, friends and other energy practitioners. A colorful metal tung drum that I still play was given to me by the talented friend with whom I began sound healing. It was a great addition to my family of instruments.
Grateful as I was for this drum, it sounds very much like a…
Her Name is Spirit Love
For the past 5 years, I have been bringing the gift of Sound Healing to a private center where people are recovering from addiction. Bringing the peace and balance that Sound Healing may bring to those with PTSD and a variety of challenges is very inspiring to me.
The Elements of a Sound Healing Session
Connect to your own inner wisdom through the breath.
Inhale through the nose and exhale through the nose or mouth, as you choose. At the top of a breath, pause and suspend the energy in stillness as you drop into the expansiveness of your heart.
The #5 Top Benefit of Sound Healing
I’ve said this myself more times than I care to remember, “I already worked on that!” “I am complete with that!”
So what happens when a familiar or habitual uncertainty, emotion or memory presents in present tense?
One of the most profound benefits of sound healing is that …
Welcome Anew in 2022
As we bid adieu to twenty-one and welcome 2022, it’s a perfect opportunity with sound to forgive, release, erase, replace. With courage and devotion, to create a whole new space, call in what we choose, vocalize with love and ease and grace.
The #4 Top Benefit of Sound Healing
Sound healing sessions are meant to be blissful and balancing yet sometimes sound triggers us. As I have mentioned before, what I find in my practice is that often the things that chafe us the most are the very people, places, memories and experiences that we are ready to release from our lives. With sound and breath…
The #3 Top Benefit of Sound Healing
At a time when I was personally navigating some of the most challenging moments of my life, a phenomenal gift came into my life, as often happens. Some friends of mine, a sound healing couple, were living in a small apartment with their first child. As the baby began to become ambulatory and active, they found that their set of crystal singing bowls needed to relocate. They turned to me …
The #2 Top Benefit of Sound Healing
Here I am do-doodling along, singing a happy song, floating in my happy Fibonacci bliss bubble. A horn blares, traffic jams, a train stops on the tracks. Cortisol surges. Heart races. Breath is stuck. I am spontaneously transported to the frustration station for an unlimited duration.
#1 - Top 5 Benefits of Sound Healing
We live in a world with a lot of noise. There’s a whole lot a shakin’ goin’ on. Sometimes this syncopated symphony evokes bliss while the flip side can be a cacophony of anxiety. Fear can even paralyze us.
Bridging My Businesses
Usually, I am so easy-going, yet, somehow, at the very mention of adding a Sound Healing page to my LinkedIn profile, I dug in my heels with a big “NO” even though I am a big “YES” gal.
What is Sound Healing?
Since I was a little girl, I’ve always believed that the world was sung into Being. My earliest memories are skipping along, singing a song inspired by the wonder I saw in the world. Laying on the ground, face up to the sky, making pictures with the clouds. Face down with my bellybutton plugged into the earth watching the teeming miracle…
Remember Who You Are
Can you feel the excitement building wrapped like a delicious secret in the cocoon of shelter? The known and the unknown collide into oneness as we surf the waves of change. Kawabunga! What I know is this, “I AM” and “YOU ARE”. We breathe the same breath, made of the same stuff. One heart. One love. Even this social distancing does not us separate make.
Destinies Loving Me and Loving You
Valentine’s Day was always so special. A poem, a gift, a union of love. I remember the first time we were apart early in our marriage when Jamie was converting the Doozies into Smurf Mountain for Kings Dominion so we could go on the National Theater Institute Exchange to Paris, France and he was coined as Carpenter Smurf. We would listen to each…
Navigating the Twinkling Stars
As a decade concludes and I reflect upon the people, places and experiences of this world and the great beyond, I am filled with wonder and the joy of possibility. So much has transpired across the eons of time. Laughter and tears. Tragedy beyond measure. All amplified as I rest in my cocoon like a caterpillar, a chrysalis ready to morph and bloom.
Magic in the Chaos. Are you Tuning into the Keys of Your Life?
Pay attention to the signs that are everywhere. My nephew turned 30 on the 27th, born on the same day his uncle Jamie, my late husband, turned 35. I remember closing on our first home that day, holding the keys destined to open new doors of possibility, barely pregnant with our first child. As I assembled my nephew’s birthday present, a mysterious skeleton key etched with 7g was found hidden in the recesses of a woven bag from Thailand. How did this get here? What does it mean?