IS Sound Healing For Me?
What is Sound Healing and Why Do It?
Sound healing, also known as vibrational medicine, is not a new concept. The science of sound and the use of it to move energy dates back to ancient Egypt and in all likelihood even before that to the Ancient Divine Feminine.
Apollo was the god of both music and medicine. Plato and Aristotle both claimed that music affected the soul and the emotions. Hippocrates played music for his patients.
Today Sound Healing is highly recommended in all aspects of medicine and spiritual growth.
In neurological studies, it has been proven that listening to music makes us more productive and creative. It can relieve stress, pain and improve our well-being.
Sound frequency is currently used in modern medicine to pinpoint disease and even in some cases, like with lasers, to adapt and change the human condition into radiant good health.
In addition to experiencing the sheer joy of blissful sound, one of the residual gifts of a sound healing journey is that you carry the bliss resonance with you on a cellular level forever. That bliss resonance can heal emotionally, socially, cognitively, spiritually, psychologically, and even physically.
Our physical bodies are approximately 78% water. During the 1990’s, Dr. Masaru Emoto explored the impact of sound frequency on water. As part of his Peace Project, he researched to see how and if music, words, and tones change the cellular structure of water. As his research proved, sound healing activates and awakens our cellular memory.
The results were staggering. When happy, bright and delicious music was played or when words were spoken in pleasing tones, and the water was allowed to absorb the effect, the frozen crystal water formations were free. They beautifully reflected the sounds and words in their crystalline form much like blooming flowers in a fertile thriving garden.
When heavy metal music or compositions with dark angry lyrics and sounds were played, the crystalline structures appeared shattered, broken in pieces, or dull and almost lifeless.
Is it possible that the ripple effect of different sound currents shape, beautify, stimulate and re-awaken our physical, emotional, etheric, and spiritual bodies?
This Sound Healer says YES!
And plants and animals love it too!
Reasons to Do Sound Healing?
Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD)
Mood swings, or negative emotions, such as sadness, self-pity, aggravation, anger, and heartbreak.
Sound Healing can bring about:
Clarity and balance
Improved memory and concentration
Improved sleep (both in quality and quantity)
A stronger immune system
Improved creativity
Heightened awareness, both of the self and the environment
Bliss & Peace
Sound Healing can also be used to celebrate:
Seasonal Transitions
Moon Sessions
Life Events - Births, Celebrations, Passings
Wellness - Health and Spiritual
Frequency healing is the future.
And its here now.