Client Testimonials
“It was so nice seeing you today and exchanging love and great vibrations!
The energy clearing you did with the feathers before we started our sound healing session was very special and I felt very “tingly” and full of joy and peace during the session. I am truly in awe of how great I feel from the experience.”
Lisa - Florida
“I have had disabling muscle pain for decades and had been to many medical professionals that could never help me. After one sound healing with Pamela, 90% of my pain and stiffness is gone. I highly recommend this gifted healer. Pamela has given me hope that I can live a full life again.”
Donna - Florida
“In the talking stick circle, I felt myself in a state of grace after the sound healing session. The rest of my day unfolded peacefully and effortlessly. I love who you are and all that you do, dear Pamela.”
Melanie - St. Petersburg, Florida
Professional Testimonials
PAPA - Te Porohau Ruka Te Korakora
“It is my honour as an Elder and a Kaumatua of the Nation of Waitaha in New Zealand, South Pacific, to share with you my heart, spirit, mind, and body feelings of this beautiful woman who joined us in …

“I give my highest recommendation to the healing practice of Pamela Kirkpatrick. I first met Pamela when she attended one of my sound healing events. Before the ceremony began, Spirit had me kneel in front of Pamela, and bow low to the floor to receive an energetic blessing…

“I have worked with Pamela Kirkpatrick for the last six years at Banyan Treatment Centers. She has provided an extremely beneficial outlet for our clients. Through her educational and supportive Sound Healing sessions, many clients have …

“I have had the pleasure of working with Pamela since she started providing Sound Healing sessions in April of 2017 to clients of Banyan Treatment Center receiving …

“I was so fortunate to have been blessed with a sound healing session with Pamela shortly after my brother passed away. I was blissfully transported and…

“I received a sound healing from the beautiful Pamela while I was experiencing abdominal pain due to digestive issues. Her voice and the vibrations she created helped instantly shift …

"I was speaking at the semi-annual women’s tea hosted by LDW Consulting Group; a client-focused boutique Financial Services Company that has a large percentage of female clients. Twice a year, I get to share information that enhances their personal development. This speaking…

“Pamela Kirkpatrick's sound healing is incredibly powerful and healing! When I started my podcast called Healing Hour in 2018, I knew I wanted the introduction to be calming and to…

“When a vibrant deep soulful voice combines with the Divine and the wisdom of the ages for using vibration and frequency of sound in all forms for healing, there is magic and transformation. That is what Pamela's gift of presence, sound healing, prayers and meditations are…