What’s In A Name?
The Hidden Vibrations and Messages in Our Names
I revel in the wonders that are hidden in plain sight. They sometimes go unnoticed in this cacophony of light and pure Source energy entering our world. Radiant lightning flashes with rainbows on my eyelashes. A deeply soaking downpour of healing rain to revitalize Ahelia tree as we’re all reborn again and again and again.
Popcorn green forests emerge upon her tree skin. Ahelia is a Hebrew name that means “She Who Knows,” present in the oasis garden that in my backyard grows.
Each morning, I arise and walk barefoot upon the Earth to absorb powerful minerals that enhance the power of rebirth. I end my grounding nature walk with hands and lips on my dear friend, a Guardian tree. I see the faces of dear departed ones who have messages for me.
The other day as I pressed my hands and lips upon her bark, between the face of my dear Jamie and my dear Dad, I spied an iridescent glowing form, an insect to delight. An image that I have never seen. A member of my elemental Fae family as I awakened from a dream, a verdant stupor.
It’s wings like stained art glass translucent in the steamy sun in the aftermath of radiance from healing waters of summer tropical rainfall. Nature’s perfect purpose. A harmony of miracles arise inside my open heart to step into fully being a Creator God in voice, in words, in art.
Insect trails in the bark of a Eucalyptus tree. Do you think they were writing their names in the bark as people also do?
Why are you hiding? Why are you hiding your beauty, your gifts?
“Attune to your magnificence, to your unique gifts”, I remind myself. “Like holy mantra, go within to trust your voice. Speak your name. Receive all that you ask for. Be in your nature and fly in your radiance.”
Did you know that one of the most important guides is the name that we are given at birth? Vedic astrology, human design, and many modalities look to the exact time of birth and to where one was born to map a blueprint of our human destiny. Each name is unique, conveying the unique gifts, soul gifts into which one incarnates.
There are five years between my sister and I. She prayed and prayed for a baby sister and when my mom conceived me, my sister was given the honor of choosing my name as long as it began with a “P” after my dad’s favorite Aunt Pearl. My sister thought that Pamela was the most beautiful name, a fair princess, and she called me into this world, she believed by magic.
Pamela is a beautiful name. It means ‘Honey or All Sweetness’. Yet, somehow, it never felt like my name until I recently created a chant, a rhythmic mantra using ‘Pa-Me-Lah’ as my guide, focusing on each sound and vibration in my throat and body to further “embody” my name deeper within me.
Try it. Sing your name to hear, truly hear it’s vibrations and messages.
Choose a quiet place, preferably out in nature. Ground yourself. Become present. Listen to your heart.
Create a cadence, a wave of “A” “O” “E” and then add in your name. To begin, sing out the flow of “AH” in a mantra-like way. Imagine the rhythm of a heartbeat gliding up and down the scales toning “AH” for as long as you like. Then vocalizing “OH” and then move into “EE.”
Now add in your name. Using Pamela as my “name-song” - ‘Pa-Me-Lah’, I tune into the unique characters of my name and their individualized sound and vibrations in my body.
And as you brim with self-love and caring kindness, remove residual veils of blindness to emerge from the chrysalis as a dazzling butterfly or a glowing green lacewing who reminds me how to fly and be and sing.
Open your heart to Mother Nature’s touch.
Welcome home.
And please always remember that I love you so much.
Be in Bliss.
Love, Pamela
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