Abundance in Wonder
Notice synchronicities when my open heart surrenders. Release the expectations of an outcome on tasks performed. Trust the soul vibration. Go within. To that inner space of silence. Listen to the wind. Messages for this journey. Communicate my path. Listen to my inner voice. Sing. Dance. Laugh.
It was funny and quite ironic that during a recent Thanksgiving trivia contest, in which the quickest correct response would win, that some of my peers were googling for answers. Not me. I listened to my inner voice and quickly amassed two wins. Rather than looking outward for an answer, when I listen to myself in trust the information comes in faster.
Remove the patterns once stuck to arise with Lady Luck.
Lately, I find myself being present to the inner call, ready to change plans if it feels right, in a moment’s notice.
For much of my life, I tried to force things, to be the captain at the helm when waves of change came crashing down for me to steer the overwhelm. This choice to surrender is active not passive. Being vulnerable takes such strength.
The inner peace surrender offers yields bountiful treasures.
Rather than clinging to perceived ‘Type A’ control, being alert to the vibration and flow of wonder draws in abundance beyond measure.
We have all the tools we need in our heartbeats, breath, and hands to tune into the intention that our highest good demands. The expression that ‘things happen to me rather than for me’ reflects a pushing nature requiring force that will likely not restore. Although it can be challenging to find the gift in the madness of imbalance, be the keeper of an open heart to navigate the shift.
Practice with a conscious breath. Inhale deeply through the nose. Suspend the breath at the top of the head or crown and then on a powerful audible exhale drop into the zero point of the heart. Be present in the moment. Listen with childlike wonder and openness. Call in the directions as we bravely venture forth. Find new north.
Remember, we are nature. so take solace in a tree, inhale the fragrant flowers, dance with a honeybee. No matter where you are or how you feel, one conscious breath with sound, even a hum, can remind you we are One.
Relax and have some fun on life’s adventure. Listen to what lights you up from the giant to the least. Spin a web of wonder. Enjoy the feast or famine. Love is all that matters.
And please always remember how much I love you.
Be in Bliss.
Love, Pamela
PS: Please enjoy my song, Open Your Heart from my Healing Tides album.
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