Being Present in the Moment
It’s Really All We Have
The past resides within our hearts while the future has infinite possibilities. The gift of every sovereign breath illustrates our power to manifest whatever we may dream through the seen and the unseen, between the cracks.
There’s still a lot of “wah-wah” noise that may try to circumvent our joy. Remember the gift we receive from sound healing. Tune into our inner voice and all that it’s revealing. One conscious breath with sound can center, balance, and ground to be in present tense. A new reality commence. The gift received. Imagine to conceive.
Place your hand upon your heart. Be still. Inhale through your nose. Suspend the breath atop your head upon your crown. Call in the color purple on frequencies of sound. Exhale powerfully through the nose or mouth with sound, whichever you prefer. Even a hum, to activate the listening within, the heartbeat’s inner drum. Each unique voice will glisten, soar and chime the grace of the divine.
Can you feel your precious heart beating? Like the rhythm of my Buffalo drum named Spirit Love. The strength within is magnified as we attune into the One.
When the pendulum swings and life seems out of balance, a single conscious breath with sound can meet the fiercest challenge.
When the chaos of gathering with family and friends can seem a bit overwhelming, on the sound of Love we may depend.
Each day, each breath, each holiday can resonate with joy. Call it into your open heart like a brand new child’s toy. Playfully, so tender. In this present moment, I surrender to love and grace and bliss. A most delicious kiss. There’s no-thing to resist.
It makes me giggle to remember that our hearts are ever-beating. The sounds within like sacred songs are there though sometimes fleeting. So practice, my dear family of souls. Breath is so delicious. I carry it with me where ‘ere I go. It invites miracles to unfold.
One more thing I offer you with rhyme and dance and song–find laughter in the moment even if it’s just a twinkling of a smile to permeate your every breath like a wondrous newborn child.
These holidays and every breath are an amazing gift. Allow the love light in. Revel in the moment. Give the Cosmic Wheel a spin. Welcome home.
Happy holidays! … and please always remember how much I love you.
Be in Bliss.
Love, Pamela
PS: Please enjoy my song, Open Your Heart from my Healing Tides album.
My Gift to You! A Complimentary 20-minute Chakra Session!
Read some beautiful Success Stories on how sound can release and amplify ones joy.
Visit my Sound Experiences page to schedule your Sound Healing sessions and finally release past traumas that have been holding you back from living an awakened life.