Pamela’s Poetry


Pamela has been writing poetry for most of her life and has over 900 written pieces. Below are two of her favorite entries.



Mottle coloroured mysteries
Mounds of rich dark earth
Fragrance of rain steeped bits
Resurrection of new birth
A soaked green leaf waves
Giggly elementals drip drop
Crystal caverns
Hidden earthen caves
Soothing soft palette
Sweeps across the sky
Lizards race
Birdsong nearby
In Ahelia tree
Soak in the waters
Sacred harmony
Shake the water off my wings
Feathered rainbows
Beaming yet unseen
Peace trains
Subtle rains
Open arms and heart receive
Miracles unfold
Right now
I believe
Yes, I believe
Chirp sweep and dive
So grateful I’m alive
From survival mode
To thrive
I call in Garnet Melanite to resolve blockages in the heart. Throat open I reveal my truth through song, dance, play and works of art. Anger, envy, jealousies awash and gently cleansed to remove cancer, disease and inflammation in a world of grace without end. Strengthen bones. Remove disease. Awake alive and ever free. A dose of Iolite for third eye vision strong and clear. Wash away addiction as subtle bodies align and clear. Detox, regenerate the liver as all organs shift and blend creating virtual harmony in beauty without end. Here I am.



Call in harmonic frequency
To stir the cauldron brew
Waves of sound
Vibrate delicate threads
Like tappings on a drum
Skin awake
Of who I am as One
Taste the first ripe reddened berry
Sweet ascerbic on my tongue
Creative life surrounds me
Alive and ever young
My inner child
Swirl twirl
Holding hands
On a grand adventure
Right here now
And to distant lands
Beyond space and time
Like immortals
So sublime
Rest to process cold within
Dazzling heights
I spin and spin
Dizzy from the fall
Bathed in the wonder
Of it all it all it all
I call in the power of Citrine, grand generator of the sun to warm and energize me as my calling has begun to manifest worldwide. Activate each golden crown so inner wisdom rises through the solar plexus to balance all my energy bodies. Manifest waves of abundance through every pore, form, shape and cell regenerating harmony. All is well now. All is well. I am alright. Blissed and blessed through the darkest night. Rebirth. Renew. One by one and two by two. I love me and I love you. Here I AM. Such wondrous shades of man from woman born to elevate in reverence of this adventure we are on.


Pamela will soon be offering her poetry in a daily paid subscription.
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