The Circle of Gratitude
How Does Gratitude Show Up for You?
Today would have been my late husband’s seventieth birthday. Birthday and holiday celebrations were often such a pleasure.
Celebrating 30 at The Rainbow Room in NYC. Is that where our characters, Sport and Lulu, were born?
Buying our first home, a Mackle on Key Biscayne on your 35th, pregnant with our first child.
The Kendall closing was across the street from where my sister was giving birth to my nephew. So keys in hand, we arrived at the birthing suite just after our nephew was born.
A birthday trifecta - new home, newborn nephew, infinite possibilities. Today that nephew is 35, and his uncle has passed. A full circle. Look within.
Sensations of gratitude vibrate as sound currency in my body, heart and mind in very particular places as shapes, scents and colors with different messages. Synchronistic happenings like repeated numbers on a license plate or a receipt. Aromas of the ozone in the air before or after a rain storm. The fertile earth beneath my feet, sounds or songs. Tune within to ground and balance along my path. Or in meditation when I sing or dance or laugh.
The trill of birdsong at dawn, the scent upon a fragrant breeze call me to attune within. Heartbeat of Bear Song Drum resides so deep inside my soul. Reverberate new realities as embodied poetry, song lyrics or new creative visions. My unique Celestial Rainbow Drum, crafted by my late husband’s hands and loving heart, still has his fingerprints. On the waves of sound, I can still hear his voice and feel his touch.
Loving gratitude is a choice. Harmony expands.
Where does gratitude show up for you inside your body physical or metaphysical?
Is it colorful or lyrical like an inner song? What memories come full circle in your open heart? What inspires you on this journey as a unique work of art?
My wish for you and me is to shine our light. Be Peace. Be harmony in motion as a written word, a painting, a garden or a song. Shine on.
Keepers of the Open Heart with infinite possibility to choose how to navigate the waves of change aware, alive and ever free. Fear finds safe harbour from the storm. Each sentient soul bathed in kindness. Reign Peace.
Guardians of Mother Earth and family of Father Sky, sail through the needle’s eye to emerge reborn from the cocoon as an iridescent blue butterfly. Give thanks with every breath.
- Be courageous. Fierce like a Mother protecting her cubs.
- Be Love. Feel the wind caress our faces gentle as a lover’s kiss. Bathe in the light of radiant good health.
- Feel cheeks flush. Then blush. Enjoy the rush. I love you so much.
May peace reign in our hearts, our homes, and where ere we are as compassion effervescing. Each sacred, conscious breath a celebration of delicious elation.
Love, Pamela
PS: I’ve recently released my first book, Love is Contagious. It is a collection of 3 months of my daily writings. I am very grateful to now share it with the world and YOU! Take a look - Love is Contagious
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